Amodini's Book Reviews

Book Reviews and Recommendations

The Lakehouse

Written By: amodini - Jan• 24•07


There’s a tune stuck in my head. You know how that happens, don’t you ? You hear it on and off, sometimes louder, sometimes toned down but it’s under your skin, it’s everywhere. It transports well, from the house to the car, from the car to the outside world. And it has a negligible footprint. Yet how you notice it.

It’s “This has not happened” by Paul McCartney and is featured in the film “The Lake House”. Might as well blog about it while I’m in raptures over it. You know before the tune slips from my head and God knows what other crap takes it’s place.

I saw “The Lake House” a couple of weekends back and loved it. One of the most romantic films I’ve ever seen. Slow and easy. And the soundtrack is haunting. Melancholy in places but haunting allright. . As it is, am a major sucker for Time Travel books and films. Add to that Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves and a nifty little romantic yarn, and you have a delectable film.

Although TLH is not strictly Time Travel, it’s more transcending space and time to find true love (I can spew mushy drivel if I want too, oh yes, I can). But I do believe the rules of time travel apply, ie; you’d better not travel back in time and mess with the future or else bad things will happen etc. Which is probably what the critics of TLH are getting at – the logical faults in the theory of Time Travel as shown in the film. Now, Time travel is as of now theory only, I read it in books
and watch films based on it, so I say Get over it ! It’s used here to support the romance (no details on how this time transcendence happens) so chuck the details, and enjoy the film.

This film has also been roundly criticised by CNN. But I am apt to disregard CNN; they find a lot of films below par – it’s like the reviewers suffer from a case of imagined sense of intellect.

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One Comment

  1. Shobha says:

    I’ve ordered this movie thru’ my Netflix and am waiting to see it. Like you said, it’s got really bad reviews but I still wanted to watch it. Time travel is very fascinating for me as well.

    I liked that you loved the movie 🙂 A diff point of view at long last.