Amodini's Book Reviews

Book Reviews and Recommendations

The travails of Mr. Feroze Khan

Written By: amodini - May• 18•06

A very interesting and side-splitting article from NDTV. Presumably you’ve all heard of the debacle Feroze Khan created in Pakistan when over there for his brother’s film’s (Taj Mahal) premiere. Of course, more entertainment ensued after that gaffe. The BJP vice-president Muktar Abbas Naqvi jumped up to support Feroze Khan, calling him a true nationalist. Yeah, we’re all for cheap publicity ! Many adjectives are suitable for Feroze Khan, but “nationalist” never crossed my mind. Feroze Khan the poster boy for Indian nationalism ? Hmm, no dearth of jokers here. OK, so then poor, caught-in-the-crossfire Akbar Khan of course said that his brother did not mean it, and threatened to sue Naqvi. Apparently matters have come to a head now, with President Musharraf banning Feroze Khan from entering Pakistan.

Oh, much fun is had by all. The on-lookers I mean.

Well, I wondered then whether Mr. Khan was drunk or stoned to make such remarks while in Pakistan presumably trying to sell the movie there, right ? I mean, did he think that the Pakistani public would want to see the movie more if he derided them and criticised the country at large ? Basic economic sense my dear, you can think and say what you like, but I’m not sure you want to castigate the people you wish to sell to. They might not buy your stuff.

On a side-note, I’m wondering : Can Mr. not-all-there-Feroze Khan be banned from India ? The BJP might oppose the move, of course.

Categories : _india , _culture_and_society

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