Mission Impossible : Rogue Nation

MI:Rogue Nation is the 5th in the MI series, and you’d think that it would get hackneyed and jaded, but amazingly it doesn’t. Tom Cruise looks older of course, but he is still in fine fettle as an action hero. He apparently has done one of the hair-raising (ha!) sequences, no stunt double, where he is clinging on to a plane which is taking off. That is quite a feat although it does flatten Cruise’s springy hair most unflatteringly. If you have ever wondered what Cruise would look like if he were bald, you can now see your answer.

The film itself was engrossing, thrilling and held interest. In the seat next to mine, I could hear my husband shake his head, guffaw a little, and tsk-tsk at every out there, hammy scene, but he didn’t enjoy it any less. And neither will you.

Two scenes which stick in my head post-watch are the remarkably well-done motorcycle chase, and the underwater, code-breaking sequence. Rebecca Ferguson plays Ilsa Faust, a disavowed MI-6 agent who knows quite a lot about the Syndicate “Rogue Nation”. She’s got some meaty action sequences and does them spectacularly. It is another matter that she must kick and slam and punch while dressed in either a sexy, hi-cut gown or clingy clothing, and high heels.

This 5th Mission Impossible is rated PG-13, and is mostly that. I’m old school in that I am sometimes amazed at the films which end up being PG-13, despite the sexuality and nudity they contain. Not this one though. The kids watched it with us, and barring one bare female back, I didn’t find anything really outrĂ©.

A very good action entertainer this one.

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